
An e-seal may be a sealing device with RFID chip inside it which may be read by enabled devices via fixed reader, handheld reader or the other mode. Each e-seal features a unique RFID tag which contains electronically stored information. The custom officer at the gateway port would verify the integrity of the seals by using reader-scanners which are connected to the info Retrieval System of the seller . RFID seals should inform ISO 17712:2013(H) and ISO/IEC 18000-6 Class 1 Gen 2. consistent with specifications set by the CBIC, the electronic seal should be a RFID tamper proof one-time bolt seal, bearing a singular serial number, which has got to be procured by the exporters at their own cost to be used in self-sealing.

IEC and Factory stuffing or Self Sealing permission is compulsory for purchasing of e-seal from the vendors.IEC (Importer Exporter Code), Shipping Bill Number, Shipping Bill Date, E-seal number, Date of sealing, Time of sealing, Destinations Customs station for export, Container Number and Trailer-Truck Number are to be entered mandatorily within the e-seal through web based module or application provided by the respective vendor to the exporters. the info once confirmed with e-seal can't be modified or deleted.

Exporter can block the e-seal allotted to him, if he doesn't want to use it. E-Seals are designed just like the conventional bolt seal so on give an equivalent experience and simple sealing a container, which the exporter has been familiar with . Just push the bolt into the cap and you're done. Typically, an e-seal is sold with two separate parts packed together and care must be taken that parts which are packed together only are used with one another.

Manufacturer exporters and merchandise exporters, are covered under this and therefore the seals are available with Government identified vendors. Exporters got to register on the portal and that they also can track the movement of the products .

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